Featured Vendor: Sweets by Staci Cakes

I met Staci Glover several years ago. She’s done quite a few smash cakes for me over the years for the first birthday photo sessions I do in studio. So today I’m featuring her!

Official business name: Sweets By Staci

How long have you been in business? 5 years

Where are you located? On the Northside of town. (However, she will deliver your cake to the studio!)

How did you get your start?

It was a lot of trial and error and using my friends and family as guinea pigs. YouTube and Pinterest helped A LOT!

What drew you to make cakes? 

I went to a local grocery store bakery to order my son’s first birthday cake. Being a fairly young mother, I couldn’t justify spending the amount they were asking on the cake I wanted so I decided to take a stab at it. I always loved to bake, even as a kid, but making his cake made me realize that maybe there was something a little more there so I started making cakes for friends and family and now here I am.

What’s probably your most favorite cake you’ve ever made?

That’s a tough one! There’s multiple that I love for different reasons. I would have to say either the blue teapot or a the dream catcher cake. 

How about craziest?

The tequila in the ice bucket. That took FOREVER!

Anything crazy ever happen while making or delivering a cake?

Nothing really crazy. I had a cupcake catastrophe once where I was driving down my road and a guy towing a trailer all of a sudden pulled out in front of me. I had to slam on my brakes and cupcakes went flying. Ironic thing is that they were flamingo cupcakes. I ended up being late because I had to go home and fix all of them. 

What’s your favorite flavor? Or do you hate cake now?

Amazingly enough I do not hate cake. My favorite cake is either a lemon cake with lemon curd (that sounds amazing!) or a coffee infused chocolate cake with a chocolate ganache filling. 

Do you prefer icing or fondant?

Icing for eating but fondant for decorating.

How would you describe your style?

Pretty laid back and casual. I’m a mommy of 5, I don’t have time to get all prettied up all the time. LOL

How did you come up with the name of your business?

My original name was taken so I asked friends and family what they thought would be sound good. Then I held a voting on facebook of who thought what name would be best out of all of the ones given to me.

What is a piece of advice you can give to newbies?

Know your worth and don’t budge on your morals. Always show your clientele how much you appreciate them because without them you are nothing.

What’s something you can’t live without (besides your loved ones)?

My cell phone/laptop. It’s how I keep in touch with practically everyone and keep track of everything.

What is your favorite thing to do around Jacksonville?

Anywhere the kiddos and I can go hang out. They love to explore new places and usually we hit up the local preserves and plantations. Their favorite right now is Bird Island. 

When your family comes to town, what is something you guys always have to do while they are in town?

Go get sushi! 

What’s your favorite movie?

Top Gun.

What’s your favorite song?

My Wish – Rascall Flatts. I cry every time I listen to it because it reminds me of my children and believe it or not God Bless the USA by Lee Greenwood. 

What’s your current obsession?

My skin. I’ve aged a lot in the last 5+ years. 

Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

Hopefully with a store front and on Cake Wars!

What’s your favorite food?

I love too many to list but I could always go for sushi, pizza and of course fried chicken!

Favorite dessert?

A hot brownie with a scoop of vanilla ice cream and chocolate drizzle.

Favorite restaurant?

European Street.

Favorite place to hang out in Jacksonville?

I don’t hang out anywhere except church and home!


Instagram: www.instagram.com/sweetsbystaci

Facebook: www.facebook.com/sweetsbystaci

Website: https://stacilglover.wixsite.com/sweetsbystaci


Baileyana Rose